Thursday, April 22, 2010

confusing days

So our computer broke yesterday and the laptop is not configuring to the internet so thankfully my phone has the internet as well so I can still go on. I wish I knew if I was going to school this September or not so that we could plan to buy a new desktop or just a new laptop for each of us. Silly waiting lists, but I guess eventually I will get in. So I am starting this new position at work but don't know actually when it's supposed to start as they told me that it would be the coming up Monday but they were not sure yet and would get back to me before then. I don't even know my new schedule really yet as I haven't got those papers yet either. I mean is it so hard to just phone to confirm things or such? Oh well I am guessing I will just have to phone then I guess. On another note, I am super excited to start biking with my friend soon so we can get fit together to look got for our husbands. I am so pumped for it and getting back into the gym to swim and such. Anyways just thought that I would blog today as I should kind of get this thing going. My kitties are getting impatient with me and really want to go outside. The youngest one is chasing her tail and eating my pants as well so I should probably take them out since they have wanted to go for awhile and plus getting some sun wouldn't be bad for me either.
